Věrná sama sobě
4 kroky, jak žít (podle) sebe
Už delší dobu cítím, a ze všech stran se mi to potvrzuje, že dnešní doba nás vede stále více k tomu, abychom žili sebe. Ne představy někoho jiného, které jsme si vzali za své. Ne naše minulá Číst více…
Změň svůj život za méně než 20 minut denně. Přelomová šestifázová meditace pro Tebe v češtině a se spoustou bonusů, díky kterým si z ní uděláš denní praxi a budeš čerpat všechny její benefity.
Vydej se na transformační cestu, objev svou jedinečnou osobní medicínu a začni ji zářit do světa. Další běh programu bude v listopadu 2024.
Načtení a energetická očista různých vlivů, které nám brání cítit se doma jako doma.
Zažij krásu sdílení v bezpečném prostředí kruhu žen, spontánní tanec, ponoření se do sebe a napojení na svou pravdu. Naživo či online u tebe doma. /nyní posvátná pauza/
Jaké dary neseš na úrovni duše a jak se projevují v každodenním životě? Jak se s nimi můžeš dostat víc do souladu a skutečně je žít?
Pokud toužíš zvědomit si a uctít přechod z jedné fáze života do druhé nebo podpořit svůj záměr, s radostí pro tebe uspořádám přechodový či jiný rituál (včetně velmi silného rituálu zavírání kostí /zavinování/)
Bezpečný prostor pro ženy na Facebooku, společné vedené meditace, rozhovory pro ženskou duši, prostor pro tvé otázky a spousta další inspirace.
Pojď se potkat se divokou moudrou ženou, která žije uvnitř tebe. Mám pro tebe vizualizaci jak dárek. ♡
Zamyšlení a zastávky na cestě k sobě. Inspirace pro Tebe ze srdce do srdce.
Já jsem. Jsem žena, spokojená partnerka a máma tří malých skřítků. Věřím, že svět potřebuje více tvůrců a méně obětí (a více objetí :)). Miluji knihy, muzicírování, les, spaní pod širákem, tanec a válení se v trávě nebo u krbu. Mysl mi dokonale zklidní práce na zahradě. Více o mne v sekci Můj příběh.
Bára Lapčíková (dříve Ančincová)
mail: baru@mesicnistezka.cz
Messenger: Baruza Baru
"Ještě jednou děkuji za tvou překrásnou energii, načtení mých daru a opravdu příjemnou konzultaci. Povídání s tebou bylo jak potkat dávnou kamarádku, která je moudrá a s láskou člověku odkryje ve vlastním nitru ty věci, o kterých sice dávno ví, ale bere je tak samozřejmé, že je vlastně přehlíží a možná na ně už i dávno zapomněl a nepoužívá je.
Připomenutí mých osobních darů mě vrátilo do jejich středu, ukotvilo mě to v nich a já z nich teď mohu čerpat a lépe je využívat. A za to ti moc děkuji.
Při aktivaci daru mě tekly slzy dojeti a lásky.
Máš neuvěřitelnou moc člověku změnit život pokud o to stoji, a já osobně bych to doporučila všem lidem na světě. Aby se vrátili k sobě a začali plně využívat všeho, co jejich vlastní duše má k dispozici, co jsme si donesli ze své Božskosti sem na Zemi a co nám všem může nejen obohatit život, ale naplnit ho, rozvinout do krasy a žít v souladu sám se sebou i celým vesmírem a stvořením. Děkuji."
"Načítání darů duše s Baru pro mě bylo hlubokým a velmi příjemným procesem. Baví mě jaké příklady Barča volí, aby to bylo nejvíce praktické a ihned pochopitelné do života. A byla jsem s darů duše pro sebe tak nadšená, že jsem si pak objednala načtení i pro další členy rodiny a dokoupila si další navazující služby, jako dary duše pro podnikání, manifestační mapu a energetické čištění nemovitosti."
"Když jsem končila program Mistrovství manifestace, cítila jsem silné volání po úzké spolupráci s Barčou. Během několika hodin přišla nabídka na koučink. Přání bylo vyslyšeno, sesláno a já ho uchopila. Barča je báječná koučka. Člověk, který mě dokáže v naprosté jemnosti, pochopení a klidu dovést do podstaty mého problému nebo zaseknutí. Jdeme spolu hodně do hloubky, kam bych si já sama bez pomoci a držení prostoru jen tak netroufla. Můj posun je jak v pracovním tak hlavně v osobním životě a v mých postojích k němu. Dokážu zvládat velmi těžké životní zkoušky a sílit v nich. Díky provázení od Baru léčím hluboké rány a odkrývám tam svůj diamant, který se začíná ukazovat a lesknout. Baru, moc Ti děkuju za čas naší společné cesty, která ještě nekončí. Vážím si Tebe jako báječného člověka i Tvé práce, kterou děláš s láskou a otevřeným srdcem."
Už delší dobu jsem cítila, že bych potřebovala uctít své ženství a hlavně své tělo. Za poslední tři roky jsem prošla několika bolestivými situacemi, ať už smrtí novorozeňátka, spontánním potratem nebo těžkostmi při kojení. Barča mi byla skvělou průvodkyní! Potřebovala jsem opečovat, uhýčkat, podpořit a očistit své tělo i sama sebe jako ženu. A to vše se mi během tohoto krásného rituálu splnilo. Barča je úžasně nacítěná, laskavá, příjemná a pečující. Takže pokud máte potřebu něčeho podobného, věřím, že i pro Vás bude skvělou průvodkyní.
Jsem dívka nebo žena? Nejsem si zcela jistá. Usedáme do kruhu a mluvíme. Kámen putuje v kruhu a propojuje naše dlaně, slova a duše. Tančíme. Opravdu mohu být krásná a svobodná? Nechce se mi věřit. Pláču a tančím. Tančím a pláču. Něco ve mě se obrací naruby. Čas a prostor mění svou obvyklou strukturu. Vracím se do období mé první menstruace a měním svou minulost, měním svou přítomnost a možná i budoucnost. Jsem divoká. Vždy jsem byla. Cítím divokost, svobodu, sílu a energii. Něco přichází a mluví to ke mě... "Jsem prastará ženská energie, která se vrací do Hančina těla. V kruhovém labyrintu, ve středu, který dovoluje propojení s Vesmírem, já prastará ženská energie nabývám původní síly spojením s ženským tělem. Áááááách! Konečně mohu plně a svobodně dýchat. Potřebuji lidské tělo pro svou celistvost. Haničko, když mě budeš uctívat a pečovat o mě, já budu uctívat a pečovat o tebe. Konečně spolu!"
"Koučovat jen tak od někoho bych se rozhodně nenechala. Z přístupu Baru jsem vždy vnímala autentický zájem o člověka, což jsem v práci jedna na jednu zažívala ještě mnohem silněji. Baru vám dá pocit, že na svoje problémy stačíte, dá vám přesně to, co potřebujete, víru v sebe a svoje schopnosti.
Podpoří vás ve vašem záměru, vytáhnete společně na světlo to, co má být uviděno a zvědoměno. Rozhodně od ní nečekejte, že vám bude radit, jak naložit se životem, naučí vás něco mnohem lepšího a to je schopnost najít odpovědi na své otázky uvnitř sebe. S lehkostí, nadhledem a velice citlivě.
Baru umí bezvadně držet bezpečný prostor pro záměr, se kterým přicházíte. Baru je prostě profesionálka a zkušená průvodkyně s otevřeným srdcem a já jsem velice vděčná, že mě provázela také jako koučka."
Už delší dobu cítím, a ze všech stran se mi to potvrzuje, že dnešní doba nás vede stále více k tomu, abychom žili sebe. Ne představy někoho jiného, které jsme si vzali za své. Ne naše minulá Číst více…
Jak jsem se dostala k tomu, co dělám? Jaký je můj nejoblíbenější citát? Co je podle mě předpokladem úspěchu? Na jakou appku nedám dopustit? Zajímá tě to? Pojď mi nahlédnout do hlavy 😉 Srdečně tě zvu Číst více…
Co si budem, dary duše jsou konceptem, který se může docela těžko převádět do reálného života. Možná svoje dary duše zatím neznáš a nevíš, co si pod nimi představit. A vůbec netušíš, na co by Ti Číst více…
Pozor koláčky :). Tak jak je v dnešní době zvykem, i já používám soubory cookies, aby bylo prohlížení mého webu pro Tebe co nejpohodlnější. Které koláčky povolíš je jen na Tobě. A můžeš je i vypnout, pokud sladkému neholduješ ;) Přečti si víc
název | Doména | Účel | Uplynutí | Typ |
wpl_user_preference | www.mesicnistezka.cz | WP GDPR Cookie Consent Preferences | 1 year | HTTP |
YSC | youtube.com | YouTube session cookie. | 54 years | HTTP |
__stripe_mid | www.mesicnistezka.cz | For processing payment and to aid in fraud detection. | 1 year | HTTP |
__stripe_sid | www.mesicnistezka.cz | Stripe Cookie to process payments | Session | HTTP |
PHPSESSID | www.mesicnistezka.cz | PHP generic session cookie. | 54 years | HTTP |
SID | form.simpleshop.cz | Google secure single sign-on cookie storing digitally signed and encrypted records of a user’s Google account ID and most recent sign-in time. | 1 days | HTTP |
název | Doména | Účel | Uplynutí | Typ |
_fbp | mesicnistezka.cz | Facebook Pixel advertising first-party cookie | 3 months | HTTP |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | youtube.com | YouTube cookie. | 6 months | HTTP |
název | Doména | Účel | Uplynutí | Typ |
_gid | mesicnistezka.cz | Google Universal Analytics short-time unique user tracking identifier. | 1 days | HTTP |
_ga | mesicnistezka.cz | Google Universal Analytics long-time unique user tracking identifier. | 2 years | HTTP |
název | Doména | Účel | Uplynutí | Typ |
pbid | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 6 months | --- |
pys_session_limit | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | Session | --- |
pys_start_session | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 54 years | --- |
pys_first_visit | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 7 days | --- |
pysTrafficSource | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 7 days | --- |
pys_landing_page | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 7 days | --- |
last_pysTrafficSource | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 7 days | --- |
last_pys_landing_page | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 7 days | --- |
_gat_gtag_UA_156896007_1 | mesicnistezka.cz | --- | Session | --- |
_ga_BL5DGTMC63 | mesicnistezka.cz | --- | 2 years | --- |
m | m.stripe.com | --- | 2 years | --- |
itsec-hb-login-07ab0ac72a6f72599056d03c3fd71bbd | www.mesicnistezka.cz | --- | Session | --- |
wordpress_test_cookie | www.mesicnistezka.cz | Generic WordPress cookie. | 54 years | HTTP |
wbk_stats_from_0 | simpleshop.cz | --- | 1 month | --- |
wbk_stats_to_0 | simpleshop.cz | --- | 1 month | --- |
wbk_stats_date_0 | simpleshop.cz | --- | 1 month | --- |
WID | simpleshop.cz | --- | 1 days | --- |
Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 685
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you).
Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 444
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 444
Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 444
Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 444
Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns.
Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you.
Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers.
Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).
Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them.
Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.
The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices.
Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices).
Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice.
With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 260
With your acceptance, certain characteristics specific to your device might be requested and used to distinguish it from other devices (such as the installed fonts or plugins, the resolution of your screen) in support of the purposes explained in this notice.
Number of vendors seeking consent: 125
Privacy Policy: https://vdx.tv/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://cdnx.exponential.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Balancing-Assessment-for-Legitimate-Interest-Publishers-v2.pdf
Data Retention Period: 397 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.captifytechnologies.com/privacy-notice/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.captifytechnologies.com/privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.roq.ad/privacy-policy-roqad/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.roq.ad/privacy-policy-roqad/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://help.adspirit.de/privacy.php
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://help.adspirit.de/privacy.php
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.emerse.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.emerse.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.indexexchange.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.indexexchange.com/privacy/exchange-platform-privacy-policy/#section-3
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.quantcast.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.quantcast.com/privacy
Data Retention Period: 395 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.beeswax.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.beeswax.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 4320 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sovrn.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sovrn.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://adkernel.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adkernel.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adikteev.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adikteev.com/privacy-policy-app-users
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.rtbhouse.com/privacy-center
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.rtbhouse.com/legitimate_interest_assessments_tcf
Data Retention Period: 565 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://nrich.io/privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://nrich.io/gdpr-legitimate-interest-assessment-sheet
Data Retention Period: 540 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.thetradedesk.com/us/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.thetradedesk.com/us/privacy
Data Retention Period: 99 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.amobee.com/trust/gdpr/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.amobee.com/trust/gdpr/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.epsilon.com/emea/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.epsilon.com/emea/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 480 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://legal.yahoo.com/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/index.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://legal.yahoo.com/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/index.html#6-c
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.venatus.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.venatus.com/privacy-choices
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adventori.com/fr/rgpd/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adventori.com/fr/rgpd/
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://triplelift.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://triplelift.com/platform-privacy-policy#legalbasisofprocessing
Data Retention Period: 45 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://sk.search.etargetnet.com/policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://sk.search.etargetnet.com/legitimate-interest.html
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidtheatre.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://cdn.bidtheatre.com/LIA_ferq.pdf
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://ogury.com/ogury-advertising-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://ogury.com/ogury-advertising-privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/xandr/platform-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/xandr/platform-privacy-policy#p_lt_ctl01_pageplaceholder_p_lt_ctl00_pageplaceholder_p_lt_WebPartZone3_zonePageBody_BingAds_PageContentViewer_PageContentViewerAll_ctl18_ctl00_ColumnsContainer
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://sharethis.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.neory.com/privacy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.neory.com/privacy.html
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://unruly.co/legal/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://unruly.co/legal/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://neural.one/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://neural.one/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.taboola.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.taboola.com/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://theadex.com/privacy-platform/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://theadex.com/privacy-platform/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://equativ.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://equativ.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 50 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://skimlinks.com/privacy-policies/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://skimlinks.com/privacy-policies/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adman.gr/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adman.gr/privacy
Data Retention Period: 3650 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://site.adform.com/privacy-center/platform-privacy/product-and-services-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://site.adform.com/privacy-center/platform-privacy/transparency-and-consent-framework-tcf-compliance/legitimate-interest-at-stake/
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.magnite.com/legal/advertising-technology-privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 28 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy#legitimateinterest
Data Retention Period: 185 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.madisonlogic.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.madisonlogic.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.confiant.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.confiant.com/privacy
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://adara.com/privacy-promise/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adara.com/privacy-promise/
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.33across.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.33across.com/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sift.co/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sift.co/privacy
Data Retention Period: 1 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://rakutenadvertising.com/legal-notices/services-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://go.rakutenadvertising.com/hubfs/Services-Privacy-Policy-English.pdf
Data Retention Period: 2555 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/justpremium-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://gumgum.com/terms-and-policies/justpremium-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://lumen-research.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://lumen-research.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://adsquare.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adsquare.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sizmek.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.sizmek.com/privacy-policy#legal-basis
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.openx.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.openx.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.yieldlab.com/datenschutz/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.yieldlab.com/datenschutz/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://docs.roku.com/published/userprivacypolicy/en/us
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://docs.roku.com/published/userprivacypolicy/en/gb#userprivacypolicyen_gb-userprivacypolicy-en_gb-legalbasis
Data Retention Period: 540 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.nanointeractive.com/privacy-statement/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.nanointeractive.com/privacy-statement/
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://simpli.fi/site-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://m32connect.com/privacy-consent-management/privacy-cookie-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://m32connect.com/privacy-consent-management/privacy-cookie-policy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://pubmatic.com/legal/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://pubmatic.com/legal/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 40 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.scorecardresearch.com/privacy.aspx
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.flashtalking.com/privacypolicy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.flashtalking.com/legitimate-interest-legal-basis
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.sharethrough.com/privacy-center/consumer-privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy-center.sharethrough.com/en/consumer-privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://pulsepoint.com/legal/platform-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://pulsepoint.com/legal/platform-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 366 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.smaato.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.smaato.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 14 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://primo.design/docs/PrivacyPolicyPrimo.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://primo.design/docs/PrivacyPolicyPrimo.html
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.semasio.com/legal/semasio-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.semasio.com/legal/semasio-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.crimtan.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.crimtan.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.geniussports.com/policies/media-buying-services-and-tcf-privacy-notice/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.e-planning.net/privacy-policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.e-planning.net/privacy-policy.html
Data Retention Period: 3650 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/how-we-use-your-data/
Data Retention Period: 390 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.1plusx.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.1plusx.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.adloox.com/legal/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.adloox.com/legal/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://blis.com/blis-privacy-policy-for-online-advertising-and-related-uses/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://blis.com/legitimate-interests-statement/
Data Retention Period: 400 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.lotame.com/privacy/privacy-notices/services/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.lotame.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/TC_String_Legitimate_Interests_Assessment_Lotame.pdf
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://liveramp.fr/politique-confidentialite-produits-services/politique-de-confidentialite-de-nos-produits-et-services-2/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://liveramp.fr/iab-transparency-consent-framework/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.groupm.com/privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.groupm.com/privacy-notice
Data Retention Period: 2 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://fifty.io/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://fifty.io/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 183 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.wearemiq.com/privacy-and-compliance
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.wearemiq.com/privacy-and-compliance
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://sonobi.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://sonobi.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 548 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://richaudience.com/en/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://legal.loopme.com/privacy-center#contract-hyartvn1o
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://legal.loopme.com/privacy-center#contract-hyartvn1o
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.dynataprivacy.com/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.dynataprivacy.com/
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://showheroes.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://showheroes.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 393 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://ayads.co/privacy.php
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://ayads.co/privacy.php
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net/en/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net/tcf/purpose-2-li
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://asklocala.com/advertising-privacy-policy/?_gl=1*145zs89*_up*MQ..*_ga*MjA4NDgxNDYxOC4xNjk2NTEyNTU5*_ga_VRM83PCHBL*MTY5NjUxMjU1OC4xLjEuMTY5NjUxMjU3NS4wLjAuMA..*_ga_5N7836YC9X*MTY5NjUxMjU1OC4xLjEuMTY5NjUxMjU3NS4wLjAuMA..
Data Retention Period: 45 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.eyeota.com/privacy-center
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.eyeota.com/eyeota-marketplace-privacy-policy#pcc-anchor-2
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.metadsp.co.uk/privacy-policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy.metadsp.co.uk/privacy-policy.html
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://azira.com/fr/privacy-policy/#services-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://azira.com/fr/privacy-policy/#services-policy
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://doubleverify.com/privacy-notice/solutions-privacy-notice
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://doubleverify.com/privacy-notice/solutions-privacy-notice
Data Retention Period: 45 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://piximedia.com/privacy/?lang=fr
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://piximedia.com/privacy/?lang=fr
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidswitch.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.bidswitch.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.iponweb.com/policies-legal/iponweb-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.iponweb.com/policies-legal/iponweb-privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.nextroll.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.nextroll.com/lia
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://id5.io/platform-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://id5.io/privacy
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy-policy.teads.com/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy-policy.teads.com/privacy-policy/european-privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://digitalaudience.io/legal/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://digitalaudience.io/legal/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.smartstream.tv/de/produktdatenschutz
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.smartstream.tv/de/produktdatenschutz
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.stroeer.de/ssp-datenschutz
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.stroeer.de/ssp-datenschutz
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://osdatasolutions.de/datenschutz/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://osdatasolutions.de/datenschutz/
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://connectadrealtime.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://connectadrealtime.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://permodo.com/de/privacy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://permodo.com/de/privacy.html
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://verve.com/dsp-cookies-privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://verve.com/dsp-cookies-privacy/
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.emodoinc.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: http://www.emodoinc.com/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.media.net/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.media.net/privacy-policy/#legitimate-interest
Data Retention Period: 2190 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://connatix.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://connatix.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://liveintent.com/services-privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://admanmedia.com/politica.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://admanmedia.com/politica.html
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.azerion.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Website-Privacy-Notice-v3-Inskin-Media.pdf
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.azerion.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Website-Privacy-Notice-v3-Inskin-Media.pdf
Data Retention Period: Not Available Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.liftdsp.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 390 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://developers.bluestack.app/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://developers.bluestack.app/privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 120 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://yoc.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://yoc.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.antvoice.com/en/privacypolicy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.antvoice.com/en/privacypolicy/
Data Retention Period: 403 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://privacy.basis.net/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://privacy.basis.net/#gdpr
Data Retention Period: 540 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://19567840.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/19567840/Website%20-%20Terms%20and%20Conditions/Seedtag_Contextual%20Advertising%20Privacy%20Policy_ENG.docx%20(2).pdf
Data Retention Period: 0 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://underdogmedia.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://underdogmedia.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 63 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://audience-solutions.com/privacy-policy.pdf
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://audience-solutions.com/privacy-policy.pdf
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://smadex.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://smadex.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://bombora.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://bombora.com/privacy
Data Retention Period: 730 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.outbrain.com/privacy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.outbrain.com/privacy
Data Retention Period: 396 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://login.rtbmarket.com/gdpr
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://login.rtbmarket.com/gdpr
Data Retention Period: 365 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.yieldmo.com/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.yieldmo.com/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 390 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.amillionads.com/privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.amillionads.com/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 30 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://hybridtheory.com/privacy-notice/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://hybridtheory.com/privacy-notice/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.mediarithmics.io/legal/data-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.mediarithmics.io/legal/data-policy
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.bidtellect.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: Not Available
Data Retention Period: 28 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.vi.ai/legal/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.vi.ai/legal/privacy-policy/
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.remerge.io/service-privacy-policy
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.remerge.io/service-privacy-policy
Data Retention Period: 90 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://mediasmart.io/privacy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://mediasmart.io/privacy/
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://rezonence.com/privacy-policy/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://rezonence.com/privacy-policy/#legitimate_interest
Data Retention Period: 180 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: https://www.advanced-store.com/de/datenschutz/
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://www.advanced-store.com/de/datenschutz/
Data Retention Period: 60 Days
Purposes (Consent)
Purposes (Legitimate Interest)
Special Purposes
Data Categories
Device Storage Overview
Privacy Policy: http://adelement.com/privacy-policy.html
Legitimate Interest Claim: https://adelement.com/privacy-policy.html#legal-basis-processing